Our Programs

Restorative Justice:

In our valued culture or in our society where criminal justice system fails to fulfil the needs of the society; Restorative Justice is a light of Hope for the victims, offenders and the Society. In Restorative Justice we Rehabilitate, Reconcile, Restore and Re-integrate the all stakeholder involved.

Legal Aid:

Mostly, it has been observed that families of prisoners are completely indigent to support their cases in superior courts. So in that Redemption Pakistan provides pro bono legal services to those prisoners who cannot afford their legal representation.


  • Prisoners’ Education: We directly support their curriculum, admission fees, teaching services and motivation. We provide formal and informal education which helps the prisoners to rehabilitate and restore back in the society as an educated and transformed people.
  • Prisoners’ Children Education: When an earning hand gets imprisoned the economic position of that family get seriously effected due to which the children have to leave their studies and start earning little. Which has been observed that often children get involved in petty crimes etc. So, taking care of the prisoners’ children education so that they could get an education and support their families in best way in future.

Prison Chaplaincy:

We create a network of chaplains of all sects, creeds and religion. In which we provide the spiritual care of the prisoners which leads society towards tolerant behavior and helps prisoners’ in their rehabilitation and restoration. We also conduct seminars and trainings for effective chaplaincy to the chaplains.

Strategic Litigation:

Through strategic litigation we helps the government to bring significant changes in the law according to the most current needs of the society. In this program we are working on the Jail reforms, penal reforms, mental health and torture.

Sustainability development:

Poorest of the poor mostly suffer when someone from a family got imprisoned. The earning source of the family gets seriously affected. Through this program we provide skilled base trainings, small business loans and job opportunities to the prisoners’ families.  So that they could not get involved in petty crimes.

Humans of Pakistani Jails:

A Facebook Page dedicated for people incarcerated in Pakistani prisons, who are normally considered to be the society’s criminal people. Humans of Pakistani Jails is an initiative to highlight the human element in those people and motivate the people outside in the world to help and adapt them to restore back in society. This page is exclusively dedicated to late Aftab Bahadur 10th June 2015.

Abolition Death Penalty : Death to life row project:

We believe all people have value, deserve mercy and right to live.

Since the moratorium was lifted up on the death penalty in December 2014, in the wake of the barbaric attack of Taliban on Army Public School Peshawar, more than 150 prisoners have been hanged so far. The moratorium was lifted up to recover the nation from the threat and trauma of Taliban’s attack but unfortunately it lead towards hanging most of the innocents and juveniles like Aftab Bahadur etc.

Magazine Awaz-e-Silasil:

One of Redemption Pakistan’s major objectives is to abridge more than 100,000 prisoners in Pakistani prisons with society outside and the prison officials and the law makers on prison policing and corrections. Magazine “Awaz-e-Silasil” is intended to be and abridging tool for this purpose in the hands of the Redemption Pakistan